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Your Extracurricular Summer Reading List

Summer has well and truly arrived so why not pick up a fun summer romance to read by the pool as you soak up...

How To Support A Loved One Who is Transitioning

Transitioning is a big deal. It’s the start of a new beginning, a beginning in which the person transitioning will hopefully feel more at...

Screw The “Summer Bod”: Kylie Mitchell, RD, Talks Intuitive Eating And Body Neutrality

Well y’all, it’s May, and you know what that means—the flowers are blooming, the weather is finally warming up, and the media is hurling...

Five Relationship Red Flags You Don’t Need To Put Up With

Once upon a time I was the master of making excuses for other people. Give me any scenario, hit me with all of the...

Your Cheat Sheet To Prestigious Scholarships And Fellowships

Prestigious scholarships and fellowships are not just for the Ivy-leaguers! There are so many opportunities out there for college students and recent graduates that...

We Asked A Planned Parenthood Provider The Uncomfortable Questions So You Wouldn’t Have To

Planned Parenthood is a safe place for all people to ask questions about anything related to sexual health or the human body. Whatever the...

Ultra Violet Haul: 10 Ways To Incorporate Pantone’s Color Of the Year Into Your Life

Growing up, purple was not only my favorite color, it was my obsession.  I had a purple dress that I wore nearly every day. ...

Fear Career Commitment? You May be a Multipotentialite

The first time I heard the term “multipotentialite” was watching writer Emilie Wapnick’s TED talk, “Why some of us don’t have one true calling.” According...

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